
ROM Wiko Ridge Fab 4G - retour d'expérience

Wiko Ridge Fab 4 ROM: partage d'expérience

Après de nombreux problèmes avec la ROM officielle RIDGE FAB 4G_V14 (publicité sur le launcher ou clavier TouchPal, reboot intempestifs, blocages au démarrage, problèmes de détection de storage, desfois des problèmes avec la charge, et facebook..), et vu que nous ne sommes pas les seuls, nous décidons de changer de ROM.

Avec notre téléphone, nous n'avons pas trouvé de ROM non-officielle qui apporte satisfaction (notre exigence: DATA + GPS + CAMERA + STABLE): cf. Mini HowTo (B)

Avec la ROM officielle en supprimant TouchPal: cf. Mini HowTo (A).
Notre expérience: après 3 jours dans cette configuration, le téléphone est plutôt stable, il n'a fait que 2 reboot (non désirés) lors d'installations d'application. Après 20 jours, des problèmes de plantages d'applications google apparaissent. Très vite le téléphone ne boot plus.
Conclusion: changement de téléphone!

Wiko Ridge Fab 4 ROM: our feedback

Following multiples issues with official ROM (advertising from the laucher or TouchPal keyboard, unwanted reboots, startup hangs, storage detection issue, sometimes recharging issue or facebook issue..) and as we are not alone in this case, we decided to change ROM.

With our phone, we didn't found unofficial ROM which brig us satisfaction (DATA+GPS+CAMERA+STABLE): cf. Mini HowTo (B)

Other way: re-install official ROM and remove the TouchPal application: cf. Mini HowTo (A).
Our feedback: following 3 days in this configuration, phone seems stable. We just encounter 2 unwanted reboots while installing apps. Following 20 days, we encounter some hang issue with google app, and then few days after the phone were not able to boot anymore.

Conclusion: change the phone!


NomExperience in my case: keeping in mind that each phone have it's own hardware issue ;)
cyanogenmod-unofficial Boot OK, Wifi OK, Camera OK but need to disable GPS Location to make it working. With GPS enabled, the phone hang when taping on application icon.
Day2: the mobile is not able to find 2G/3G/4G ! :(
maxicm-5-1-1-unofficial boot OK, wifi OK, but camera and GGMaps hangs the phone after fiew seconds!! :(
lineageos-13 (need to retest with gapps!) seems stable but there is some matter: no camera + batterie issue
resurrection-remix not tested because of forum feedback:
Mobile data doesn't work.
Camera works but for a few seconds. Then device hangs.
SlimLP not tested following ASAZING answer: "Mobile data and gps do not work"

HowTo pre-requisites

check adb is detecting your device:
(from mobile)
  • power + volume UP  until vibration
    • (else try volume DOWN on some device)
  • "apply update from adb"
(from workstation)
  c:\adb\adb.exe devices
  • your device must be listed

HowTo: boot on TWRP recovery

(from workstation)
  c:\adb\fastboot.exe boot TWRP_L5320.img
  (command is now waiting the phone...)

(from mobile)
  • power + volume UP  until vibration
  • "reboot to bootloader" (line 5)

Mini HowTo (A) re-install Official ROM from scratch onto WIko Ridge Fab 4G 5320 (with Snapdragon) and remove TouchPal

If you follow this steps, it's at your own risks. We can't be responsible if you brick your phone

  • push SuperSu on the phone:

c:\adb\adb.exe push /tmp
  • install SuperSU using TWRP

  • reboot the phone
  • via Android parameters ("Langue et saisie"), move from Touchpal keyboard to Google keyboard.
  • install Désinstalleur App System(ROOT) (SuperSu required)
  • with this application, uninstall "TouchPal 2015" (and associated langage packs)!!

Mini HowTo (B) install Custom Unofficial ROM onto WIko Ridge Fab 4G 5320 (with Snapdragon)

If you follow this steps, it's at your own risks. We can't be responsible if you brick your phone

From following samples: ( lineage-os-13-wiko-ridge-fab-4g and ( Root Ridge4G

What "patch" means ? (5320 only)
  • download ROM + patch
  • push ROM (ex. for L5510) on the phone using adb
  • push patch (ex. from 5320) on the phone using adb
  • onto TWRP :
  • install ROM (dont reboot)
  • (got back)
  • install patch (dont reboot)
  • (got back)
  • install GAPPS
  • reboot

Install ROM from TWRP:
  • boot on TWRP recovery (already described)
  • lets do a Backup ! (use menu option and follow instructions, check system and data partitions)
  • push your ROM (and patch) file(s) on the phone  (adapt zip path+filename)
(from workstation for MaxiCM ROM)
c:\adb\adb.exe push /sdcard
c:\adb\adb.exe push /sdcard
c:\adb\adb.exe push /sdcard

(from workstation for Cyanogem ROM)
c:\adb\adb.exe push /sdcard
c:\adb\adb.exe push /sdcard
c:\adb\adb.exe push /sdcard

  • ( optionnal ) if you need more space, remove older ROM

(from workstation)
c:\adb\adb.exe shell
cd /sdcard
  • HowTo flash ROM on the phone 
(from phone / TWRP recovery)
- "wipe" data (fr: formatter)
  - "advanced Wipe"
  - check cache + System + data
  - swipe to wipe
- back back back
- "install" rom ("flash" with TWRP):
  - select pushed file: ROM
     - dont check zip signature and dont check reboot
     - swipe to confirm Flash
     - at the end, back
  - (option) select pushed file: PATCH (eg. kernel_ASAZING..)
  - dont check zip signature and dont check reboot
     - swipe to confirm Flash
  - select pushed file: GAPPS
  - dont check zip signature and dont check reboot
     - swipe to confirm Flash
- at the end, Wipe cache/dalvik, swipe to Wipe
- then "Reboot System"

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